
Porter's Five Forces Analysis of Toyota

Author: Abhijeet Pratap

Date: July 27, 2024

A Five Forces Analysis of Toyota Motors

Toyota Five Forces Analysis

Based on annual net deliveries, Toyota is the largest manufacturer of vehicles in the world. The company is headquartered at Toyota City, Aichi, Japan. Toyota is famous globally as a leading automobile manufacturer that has always placed a strong focus on innovation and customer experience. It is also known for its resilient production system. The company offers a vast lineup of SUVs, trucks and electric vehicles. In 2023, Toyota delivered 11.23 million vehicles which was the highest of all automobile manufacturers.

Its nearest competitor is Volkswagen, which is the second largest manufacturer of vehicles based on annual net deliveries. Toyota vehicles enjoy strong popularity all over the globe including leading markets like the United States. The company has maintained a strong competitive edge which has helped it retain its market leadership globally. According to Statista, Toyota had around 14.46% market share in the US as of 2023. Apart from its strong manufacturing system, the company has also managed its supply chain well.

In this five forces analysis, we will take a look at how Porter’s five forces affect the competitive position of Toyota in the global market.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Low

The bargaining power of suppliers in the automobile sector depends on several factors including the size and concentration of suppliers, their financial strength, quality and so on. Their role is important since the success of automobile firms to a large extent depends on successful supply chain management. Despite their important role in terms of success of an automobile business, the bargaining power of suppliers is generally low in the automobile sector. Especially compared to leading brands like Toyota, their bargaining strength is low due to several factors.

The supplier firms of Toyota are mostly much smaller in size compared to the company. These are small businesses without any significant financial strength and depend on large firms like Toyota for business. The threat of forward integration from these firms is also very low. Toyota manages a large and international supply chain. Its suppliers are not concentrated in one place. The company places a strong focus on quality and selects only the suppliers that can provide good quality raw materials. It has also managed strong relationships with its suppliers. Overall, the bargaining power of Toyota suppliers is low.

Bargaining Power of Buyers: Moderately High

There are several factors that have led to an increase in the bargaining power of customers in the modern era and chiefly stronger competition as well as the increased availability of substitutes in the market. The customers consider several factors before making their buying decisions. They consider the brand, prices, features and substitutes before making a buying decision. However, there are also several factors that can moderate the bargaining power of customers. Toyota is the largest and most popular brand of automobiles in the world.

It offers a vast line of performance focused and safe vehicles. The company also places a strong focus on innovation and customer experience. Buyers consider the brand when buying vehicles since a good brand image means higher reliability and superior performance. Toyota has maintained a strong brand image and enjoys high popularity in most corners of the world including Asia and the Americas. It also offers a vast lineup of vehicles to cater to the different needs and preferences of various customer segments. All these factors help Toyota keep the bargaining power of buyers moderate.

Threat of Substitutes: High

The threat of substitutes in the automobile sector mainly arises from two sources that include the rival brands making similar products and public transportation. The level of threat from substitute products for Toyota has grown driven by increased competition in the automobile sector. There are a large number of players in the market offering similar products. For example, Volkswagen offers a vast lineup of vehicles from different categories including cars, SUVs, trucks and sports cars as well as motorcycles. Other leading players like Ford, General Motors, Nissan and Honda as well as Hyundai also offer a diverse lineup of vehicles to cater to different preferences of various customer segments.

Overall, the high number of players in the market increases the threat from substitute products. The threat increases because of the competition with well known brands like VW, Ford, GM, Hyundai etc. However, there are some factors that have helped Toyota moderate the threat from substitute products including strong brand image, performance, strong focus on innovation and high customer loyalty. These factors moderate the threat to some extent, but the overall threat of substitutes for Toyota remains moderately high.

Threat of new entrants: Low

There are several high barriers to entry in the automobile sector that prevent new players from entering the market. The players aspiring to enter the automobile market will need a lot of capital to invest in equipment, facilities and infrastructure. New entrants cannot compete easily on the basis of prices since the incumbent players enjoy economies of scale which helps them reduce costs. Other areas that are complicated for new players include research and development, supply chain management, technical expertise, skilled human resources and so on. Toyota therefore does not face any threat from new players trying to enter the market.

Toyota is an established player with the largest market share and enjoys strong popularity and customer loyalty. New players struggle to achieve customer loyalty and brand recognition. Toyota is also financially a strong organization which allows it to invest more in research and development compared to new players. Overall, new players cannot challenge Toyota’s position easily. Toyota also has a strong brand image that cannot be challenged by new players. Overall, the threat from new players entering the market for Toyota is insignificant.

Intensity of Competitive Rivalry: High

The automobile industry has been experiencing strong competition driven by several factors. The competition for market share as well as customer base among the established players has grown very high. Innovation has become a significant focus for companies in the automobile sector since it is the main source of competitive advantage for several brands including Toyota. The competition has grown due to the presence of several established players in the market. The leading competitors of Toyota include Volkswagen, Hyundai, Ford, General Motors, Honda and Nissan. Toyota also owns the luxury brand Lexus which competes with the likes of BMW and Audi.

While the overall intensity of competitive rivalry is very high in the automobile sector, there are some factors which have helped the company manage the competitive pressure. Toyota is an established brand with the highest market share. It has a strong brand image in the global market and a loyal customer base. The company makes high performance and safe vehicles that are popular in all corners of the globe. Toyota also places a strong focus on innovation which is a key factor driving its competitive edge. However, its rivals are also very aggressive about innovation, marketing and customer focus which intensifies the competitive rivalry between the established firms.


Toyota is a market leading Japanese brand of automobiles that has established itself as a customer oriented brand. A Porter’s five forces analysis shows that the company has maintained its competitive position well in the global market. While most forces are favorable for Toyota due to its excellent image, strong focus on innovation and high customer loyalty, it still faces strong competitive threat and the threat of substitute products. However, the company offers a vast lineup of high performance vehicles which makes it very popular in most corners of the world. Its focus on innovation and passenger safety have helped it grow its popularity and customer loyalty. The company is in a strong competitive position compared to its rivals. Its strong brand image, manufacturing capabilities and focus on innovation are some critical factors that have helped it manage most challenges quite well.